If you downloaded another version of IconMover, please use this one from now on. Version 1.2 is much sounder than previous versions besides sporting an extra ability the other version don't have. If you had any problems with either version, this one will do the trick.
For those of you who haven't used IconMover before, it is an fkey which will convert the ICN#'s from an application or your desktop file to ICON resources in a second application (or even the same applicatio). IconMover was created for use with HyperCard, although you may find other uses for it. HyperCard will let you give any button you create its own icon. Oddly enough, HyperCard provides no way to import, create or modify ICON or ICN# resources within the program. Being impatient, I was unhappy to move back and forth between ResEdit and HyperCard, even though a button can easily be created to perform that task for you. Thus, IconMover was born.
Thanks for your support and lets see some of your HyperCard stacks on Compuserve and Genie.
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